
Job Descriptions

Descriptions of Elected Officers

THE PRESIDENT shall assign additional specific ad hoc duties for elected officers and/or members as the need arises. The President shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Association. When urgent matters arise that need an immediate response or other action from the Association, the President shall be authorized to do so, provided he or she receives permission from a majority of Executive Committee members via telephone calls or emails.  The votes shall be recorded and presented to the Executive Committee at the next Executive Committee meeting or General Meeting.

THE VICE-PRESIDENT shall be responsible for making meeting arrangements and securing special speakers for General and Special meetings of the Association and assisting the Parks and Recreation chairman with West Hills Park events.

THE SECRETARY, in addition to recording the minutes of all Executive Committee and General Meetings, shall send notices of meetings to members of the Executive Committee, and shall send correspondence on behalf of the Association as directed by the President or Executive Committee.

THE TREASURER shall collect dues, donations, and other sources of revenue, be responsible for approved disbursal of funds to cover expenses, and obtain and maintain appropriate banking support.  The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each Executive Committee meeting  and General meeting and shall maintain a list of members.  The Treasurer shall each year purchase  liability insurance that will adequately protect the Association.

Descriptions of WHCA Standing Committees

CODES: In consultation with the president, the Codes Chair will form a committee charged with vigilance of enforcement of existing code violations and any changes to existing codes and local ordinances. When code violations occur (i.e., chronic illegal parking, unkempt yards, long term posting of illegal signs, etc.) and are brought to the attention of the committee, the chair or its designee shall contact the City Codes Enforcement Office for their follow-up with person or business in violation. The committee will stay alert to any changes in the existing Codes Ordinances—such as Recode Knoxville—and report to the full executive committee and community how they may impact the West Hills community.

TRAFFIC: In consultation with the president, the Traffic Chair shall form a committee charged with the responsibility of staying alert to traffic problems within the West Hills community. The chair and committee shall particularly note where speeding and other traffic violations are observed or reported by residents in an ongoing manner indicating a persistent problem. The committee shall seek a remedy by working with the WHCA Executive Committee, the KPD Representative at WHCA meetings and the City, KPD and Traffic Engineering to seek resolution of these violations. The committee will stay alert to traffic conditions and any changes in traffic conditions and report to the full executive committee and community how they may impact the West Hills community.

PARKS and RECREATION: In consultation with the president, the Parks and Recreation chair shall form a committee to coordinate events in the West Hills/John Bynon Park as well as be alert to any issue within or near the park which may adversely affect the safety, well-being and security of those using or living near the park. The committee will pay particular attention to park usage and upkeep. If there is a maintenance problem, the chair or its designee will contact the City Parks Department to ask for corrective action. If there is a security issue, the Knoxville Police Department will be contacted. The chair or its designee will secure proper City permits for these events well in advance to prevent booking conflicts. The Chair will also notify KPD, KFD, and Knoxville Zoo when appropriate to secure their presence at events. WHCA scheduled events include Pumpkins in the Park, Santa in the Park, Easter Egg Hunt and the June Picnic. The committee will stay alert to park conditions and upcoming scheduled events and report to the full executive committee and the West Hills community.

ZONING: In consultation with the president, the Zoning chair shall form a committee to monitor any proposed development or other action contrary to existing property zones within the West Hills community boundaries (i.e., Broome Road developments, Tennova Hospital, etc.). The committee will stay alert to any changes in the existing zoning ordinances and report to the full executive committee and community how they may impact the West Hills community.

PUBLICITY: In consultation with the president, the Publicity chair shall form a committee charged with the responsibility to prepare content (visual and editorial) for publication by the WHCA, both in print and electronic media. This committee will receive reports from the president, treasurer, and secretary, as well as, the other committees on a predetermined, bi-monthly schedule and as needed for publication in both formats. The committee is also responsible for maintenance and update of the WHCA website, especially when time-sensitive issues impacting the West Hills community are present (i.e., new proposed development, proposed city or county legislation like Recode Knoxville, etc.). All content must be reviewed and approved prior to publication by the president and one member of the Publicity Committee not submitting the item. The committee will report to the full executive committee at each scheduled monthly executive committee meeting.

HOSPITALITY: In consultation with the president, the Hospitality Chair shall form a committee to provide light refreshments and monitor/limit speaking times set by the WHCA officers and executive committee at all regularly scheduled General Meetings. They will also serve as goodwill ambassadors at all WHCA events and meetings and offer information about WHCA to attendees and members of the association. The committee will report to the full executive committee and community on a regular basis.

Descriptions of WHCA Ad-Hoc Committees


A group of volunteers to assist with litter clean up around the neighborhood entrances in preparation for the Dogwood Trail Opening. We are asking for you and your family to ADOPT-A-BLOCK, and keep it beautiful, as we cannot depend on the city to keep it litter free. It’s going to take the WHCA and kind volunteers to keep it as such.

Custom reflective vests and garbage bags are provided with pick up from designated drop areas the next day (you do not need to use your own receptacle). Email debra@wetn.com if you are interested in hearing more or helping! Please join me (and my dad) in Adopting a Block!



WEST HILLS DOGWOOD TRAIL: After years of hard work, The West Hills Dogwood Trail was officially opened on March 24, 2022.